i'm all psyched about psych & heroes

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

it's cliched, but hey: i'm psyched about psych.

here's the premise: shawn spencer, a "fake psychic detective" with a photographic memory, has finally found a purpose in life: helping the police (often against their will) solve cases, all the while making the "real" detectives look incompetent. what i love about Psych is that no one takes themselves seriously. it's lightweight crime cum comedy show, it's lovable and you won't be able to turn it off.

up next... heroes...

move over lost, cause heroes is here!

how many times and how many ways can i say that this show totally rocks my socks? i actually don't know what to write except that, this is how you should end a mid-season. unlike the stupid shit that lost season 3 served up. there is really no reason to watch lost anymore. 55+ episodes into it's run and lost still hasn't answered the vast majority of those questions, while still shoveling new questions onto the pile.

for those who was kept in the dark, heroes is about a handful of individuals across the country who have special powers: two brothers with powers, one who chooses to accept his, to do the right thing, while the other chooses to deny it, as it's discovery could ruin his political aspirations; a cheerleader with regenerative powers to rival even those of wolverine (!!); a young man from japan with the ability warp space-time, just to name a few. who being drawn together, find their lives are interconnected, as they try to prevent a nuclear disaster that could destroy all life as we know it!

so expect less updates as i indulge in psych & heroes. and, remember: "save the cheerleader. save the World!" (wtf does it suppose to mean???!!!).

ps: here's something funny- Heroes Kicks Lost’s Ass: And Here’s Why

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Posted by jin at 10:38 AM  
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