reality show. playing it straight

Monday, January 1, 2007

for those who have missed it "Playing it straight", was a dating show, with a twist. one girl, type: extremely stupid, asked FOX to set her up with a man. FOX said "Sure! But we’re gonna make it a bit harder for ya!" and instead of getting men that really want her, they get a bunch of men of which a certain number is gay. wtf.

it's like this, a single girl, jackie will be dating with 14 single guys where 9 of them are actually gay while the rest of the 5 are straight. if a gay guy wins her heart at the end, that guy will take away US$1 milion leaving jackie empty-handed (awwww). but the guy she chose is a straight guy, jackie will split the prize with the straight guy.

the girl was allowed to test the guys (who looked like they all almost got the cowboy gig in the village people) by making them do things and observe. so the men were expected to run away from horses (running, that one thing gay men famously cannot do!), kiss thegirl (kissing women without throwing up and running around screaming, that other thing gay men famously cannot do!) and chopping wood (insert own joke here, use at least one reference to "wood").

watch the trailer via youtube.

now, if you’re American you probably didn’t know all that, because the show got cancelled in the u.s. after only one episode. that’s right: "Playing it straight" was that rare piece of crap even americans really didn’t care about.

watch worthy: */*****

Posted by jin at 2:24 PM  
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